Stabilising and rebuilding the team at a fast growing e-commerce marketplace

households served monthly

In the bustling landscape of an emerging market, a rapidly expanding e-commerce marketplace found itself at a critical juncture. Serving over 100,000 households monthly and processing millions of orders annually, the company was poised for significant growth. However, beneath the surface of this success story, technological challenges threatened to derail their progress.

The Challenge

When we first engaged with this client, the symptoms of their technological struggles were clear. The leadership team was grappling with a lack of visible output from their technology department, coupled with an inability to deliver high-quality products. The tech team seemed caught in an endless cycle of firefighting, constantly rebuilding components and struggling to keep pace with the business's rapid growth.

These issues weren't just technical inconveniences; they were actively hindering the company's ability to scale and deliver value to its ever-growing customer base. It was clear that a strategic intervention was needed to align the technology capabilities with the company's ambitious growth trajectory.

Our Approach

Our engagement began with a two-month advisory phase, during which we conducted a comprehensive assessment of the client's technological landscape. This initial period allowed us to gain deep insights into the root causes of their challenges and to formulate a strategic plan for improvement.

Impressed by our initial findings and recommendations, the client invited us to take on a more hands-on role. We transitioned into a five-month fractional CTO position, where we had the opportunity to implement our strategies directly and drive meaningful change within the organization.

Implementing Change

As we stepped into the fractional CTO role, our first order of business was to address the inefficiencies within the team structure. We found a bloated team of 10 contractors and 4 permanent staff, a composition that was leading to high costs and a lack of cohesion. Through careful evaluation and strategic restructuring, we streamlined the team to 6 permanent staff and 1 contractor. This wasn't just a cost-cutting measure; it was about creating a more focused, accountable, and efficient team.

To drive this newfound efficiency, we introduced the RICE scoring methodology for project prioritization. This ensured that the team's efforts were always aligned with the most impactful initiatives for the business. Simultaneously, we fostered a culture of personal accountability, where team members felt a sense of ownership over their work from inception to customer delivery.

The DevOps infrastructure presented another significant challenge. The existing setup was a patchwork of inefficient solutions, where scaling was used to mask underlying architectural issues. Deployments were complex and risky affairs, and the lack of standardization across environments led to unpredictable results.

We initiated a comprehensive DevOps overhaul, implementing Kubernetes for improved scaling and reducing the number of load balancers from a staggering 20 to a single, efficient unit. By introducing Infrastructure as Code and standardizing development environments, we brought stability and predictability to the deployment process.

Throughout our engagement, we also focused on developing a forward-looking technology roadmap. This involved simplifying the existing tech stack by removing unnecessary complexities, improving system observability, and consolidating an overly granular microservices architecture. These changes not only improved current operations but set the stage for sustainable future growth.

The Results

The impact of our interventions was both immediate and lasting. We achieved a 50% reduction in team spend without compromising output, demonstrating that efficiency and quality can go hand in hand. The DevOps overhaul resulted in a remarkable 3x reduction in platform operational costs, while simultaneously improving stability and performance.

Beyond these quantitative improvements, we saw a qualitative shift in how technology was perceived and utilized within the organization. The development team transitioned from constantly firefighting to proactively driving innovation. Product delivery became faster and of higher quality, allowing the business to respond more effectively to market demands.

We also focused on transitioning ourselves out of the business, helping to establish the right role requirements for an incoming head of engineering, working with the internal recruitment team to screen candidates, and guiding the business through the hiring process to bring in the right candidate to replace ourselves.

Client Satisfaction and Long-term Impact

The success of our engagement was perhaps best encapsulated by the words of the client's CEO: "Rational Partners have been great partners for us over the last quarters. They know what they are doing, get stuck in quickly & have great ownership. The biggest impact has come from the investment they have made in upskilling our senior team, and pushing us to make decisions on people & processes faster."

This testimonial highlights not just the technical improvements we brought about, but also the cultural and strategic shifts we facilitated. By upskilling the senior team and encouraging faster, more confident decision-making, we ensured that the positive changes would outlast our direct involvement.


Our journey with this e-commerce marketplace demonstrates the transformative power of strategic technological leadership. By addressing core inefficiencies, fostering a culture of accountability, and implementing forward-thinking solutions, we not only solved immediate problems but set the client up for long-term success.

As we transitioned out of our fractional CTO role, we continued to provide advisory and coaching support for an additional six months, ensuring a smooth handover and the continuation of the positive trajectory we had established. This engagement stands as a testament to the impact that can be achieved when technological expertise is closely aligned with business goals, driving not just efficiency and cost savings, but fostering innovation and growth in a competitive market.

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